Acoustical Plaster

The visual guide will provide a view to the customer of what their website or project will end up looking like.

Glorious Details

Feature One

When tests of a design lead to great deal of drawings

Feature One

When tests of a design lead to great deal of drawings

Feature One

When tests of a design lead to great deal of drawings

Feature One

When tests of a design lead to great deal of drawings

Feature One

When tests of a design lead to great deal of drawings

Feature One

When tests of a design lead to great deal of drawings

Acoustical Plaster Article

As part of the modernization and historic renovation of Charlotte High School in Rochester, New York, CJS Architects were tasked with restoring an octagonal space used for vocal and instrumental music that boasted a 40 foot diameter drum ceiling. Rory Zimmer, Designer and Project Manager of CJS Architects, explained that when the renovation commenced, the space had become dull and dreary, employing conventional lighting and acoustical solutions. The rotunda space, referred to in the original drawings as the "Lantern", would need a boost of life and light in order to achieve the envisioned refined, multi-purpose space that could host large events for students, faculty as well as the public.

As part of the modernization and historic renovation of Charlotte High School in Rochester, New York, CJS Architects were tasked with restoring an octagonal space used for vocal and instrumental music that boasted a 40 foot diameter drum ceiling. Rory Zimmer, Designer and Project Manager of CJS Architects, explained that when the renovation commenced.

Source is a modern wireframe kit designed to reduce busywork—so you can focus on the things that matter.

As part of the modernization and historic renovation of Charlotte High School in Rochester, New York, CJS Architects were tasked with restoring an octagonal space used for vocal and instrumental music that boasted a 40 foot diameter drum ceiling. Rory Zimmer, Designer and Project Manager of CJS Architects, explained that when the renovation commenced.

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